Disorder Of Nerves

Pediatric Doctor in Ahmedabad

Disorder Of Nerves

The nervous system can encompass so much. Neurology has to do with any dysfunction of the nervous system, but is generally not held to include those conditions traditionally thought of as psychiatric, such as depression, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders which can all have major effects on the proper functioning of the nervous system. Homeopathy, of course has a large role to play in that area, but this is beyond the scope of this article. I’ll content myself with a few remedies or groups of remedies I have found to be helpful in some of the better known neurological conditions, many of which can lead to long term discomfort or disability. The role of homeopathy in many of these conditions is not to cure but, on the whole, to help people cope better with their difficulties and a qualified physician should always be consulted.

  • Hyperasthesias
  • Anesthesia
  • Peripheral Neuritis
  • Polyneuritis